Did you know that good environmental design can reduce incidences of crime and unwanted activity? At The Unconventional Classroom I offer Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) audits which can help reduce the opportunity, the desire and the ability of any would be Grinch hell bent on taking away from the enjoyment of your professional or private spaces.
In line for the holidays, here are 6 things you will want to consider if you wish to keep the Grinch from ruining your Christmas season.
1. Keep your vacation plans and extended times away off of social media and only post those happy memories after you have returned home. The Grinch can be a sneaky, and in today’s day in age, he also has access to all the same technologies as you and I do.
2. Resist the urge to hide spare keys under planters, doormats, misplaced rocks or in your mailbox. From my experience chasing the Grinch, I know these are favourite places for him to look when wanting quick access into your abode.
3. To take some of the Grinch’s happy hiding places away, ensure dark areas around your home have outdoor lights which turn on after dark or are sensor activated.
4. Try to keep your Christmas Tree away from the view of windows to avoid any unwanted shoppers strolling by.
5. Put trust in a neighbour to keep an eye on things if you are going away and ensure walks and driveways are shovelled regularly. Being unkept himself, the Grinch is always looking for places that suit his personality so maintained spaces can make a Grinch nervous.
6. After Christmas do not advertise what you received for gifts by placing packaging out on the front curb. Although you may be proud of the new 70 inch TV you bought on Boxing Day, telling the world about it can spell G.R.I.N.C.H.
Wishing you all a safe and Grinch free Christmas !!!